Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tags Virgin

1. Do you have a blog?
Can u proceed to the next question............Please.....!!!

2. Where is it? please feel free to leave comment here.....otherwise......!!!

3.How long have you been blogging?
please find out yourself.......

4. How did you first start blogging and why?
i own a lot of sad story to share with all of's the only way to express myself with free..
n I very free Ma......the only way to waste my time!!!XD

5. What do you write in your blog?
All about me....!!! It's pieces of my memory.......pieces of you and me.....!!!please appreciate
it..........(ps:buat advertisement Lagi.......^.^)

6. What kind of a blog is it?
................. different type of story here.......especially the blogger's life and his "SS" + crazy

7. How many hits do you get a day?
don know.......+ nt dare to know.......actually i don't care about it........I love this's
a part of me......the hits just Xtra marks for me.....!!!

8. Do you have pictures in your blog?
For sure..........YES la..........cause i also prefer picture rather than tiny words.......KakaZzzz....!!

9. Do you put your real name on your blog? need La.........suspense..........let them find out theirself if really interest........!!! Am i
right........???(ps: Syiok sendiri Lagi............sweating........!!!)

10. Does everyone know you have a blog?
"Everyone" that paksa by me to read my blog know i have a blog............!!! Where is it......??? pieces/ of U + M3.........Pieces of my Memory...........
Stay Tune........!!!!

11. What is your favourite blog site?
The blogger that break my tag's virginity.................Really........cause i always feel like want to
laugh when read HIS blog..........KakaZzzz

12. Who is allowed to your blog?
anyone.............please promote to your fren if you love this site..................!!!

13. Do you want to be a famous blogger?
Yes..............but it's seem like a dream that very far from me..........i still poor in English and
always fail to 100% express myself in words..........!!!!Add Oil...............(ps: memang suke

14. Is it important that you go on your blog everyday?
sometime yes......sometime no...........depend on mood la.......................

15. Is blogging important to you?
It's a passion........!!! From the beginning till now.............though just a few months..........
It's still burning.............!!!! answer is "YES".......!!!

Now tag people:

Click on the link if you wanna who is him or her...........!!!